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The History of Bodybuilding

High Intensity Weight Training on its inception was supported by late body builder Mike Mentzer and six time Mr. Olympia winner, Dorian Yates. At the beginning, High Intensity Training was surrounded by much controversy as it was hard to believe that lesser reps of the same exercise can yield better results. But now this formerly controversial method has established itself as a strength and muscle building system followed by millions around the world(& growing).

High Intensity Weight Training has been successfully applied and its theory has been verified by many body builders. This technique has worked wonders for muscle building as the impulse to grow is huge. But still this method does not get the appreciation it deserves because many people related with the strength building industry see it with skepticism. The reason for this is that they are used to ‘old ways’ of high volume training which were heavily advocated by such lifter as Arnold Schwarzenegger. They simply cannot understand how a method with lower reps can reap similar or even better results.

Despite it being a proven system of muscle building which is easy to implement and saves time, many people still to this day refuse to adopt it. We should try to understand why people feel it difficult to break from the conventional training techniques which encourage more and more reps of the same exercise for muscle building. There are a number of factors which stop people from switching to High Intensity Weight Training. Let's discuss a few of these:

But most of the people want to be drug free and build muscles to have a strong and fit body. For this propose High Intensity Weight Training is the best option as it takes less time and delivers better results faster.

For more information on High Intensity Training …click on this link: CyberPump HIT Training

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The articles and information in Muscle Muscle are for informational purposes only. You should consult your physician or other health care practitioner before starting or changing any exercise, diet or supplement program.